Lowie’s Magical Witches Path is an enchanting walking route of approximately 5 km long. The route takes you through the breathtaking Reutel and Polygoon Forest. Follow the path and meet the ten Beselaar witches. In the meantime, be surprised by the magical beauty of nature.

Along the way you will come across a number of QR codes. Scan them and make the witches come to life.

In the shop at the Zonnebeke Tourism Office you can pick up a nice walking brochure with the route and extra games.

Walk the Magic Witch’s Path in three possible ways:
1. Without scanning the QR codes

  • Take a photo of the route so you don’t get lost.

2. By scanning the QR codes

  • Take a photo of the route so you don’t get lost.
  • Set up your mobile data so you can scan the codes.
  • Make sure your mobile phone is at least half charged.
  • Turn on your sound.

3. With the walking brochure and the QR codes

  • Collect your walking brochure with assignments at the Zonnebeke Tourist Office (Berten Pilstraat 5a, 8980 Zonnebeke) (€ 3).
  • Take a photo of the route so you don’t get lost.
  • Set up your mobile data so you can scan the codes.
  • Make sure your mobile phone is at least half charged.
  • Turn on your sound.

As soon as you cross the street, you are already on the right track. The route leads you over unpaved and often narrow roads. Sturdy walking shoes or boots are recommended, especially during the wet months.

Download the plan.

Address information

Longitude: 50.858063599512
Latitude: 2.9947441216791

0032 (0)51 77 04 41


  • Zonnebeke
  • Witches


Australian silhouette Estimated distance: 0.04 Km
The Mid-West Flemish Hillridge Estimated distance: 0.06 Km
Polygon Wood Cemetery Estimated distance: 0.31 Km