
The exceptionally well-preserved command bunker at Zandvoorde is a fine example of German architecture. It is one of the largest remaining bunkers in the Westhoek and is a unique witness. Specifically trained pioneer units, the so-called Armierungsbataillone, built this bunker in 1916 for the staff of a regiment. They affixed the year of construction and their credentials above the entrance, something that has been preserved until today.

Construction command bunker

During construction, the bunker is buried in a slope and covered with earth from which the surrounding area can be observed. This protects the structure from artillery shelling and makes it completely invisible to opponents. There are two entrances and six rooms opening onto an open, walled courtyard. The interior walls finished with cement plaster were originally clad in wood.

After the war

The command bunker lay behind German battle lines until the 1918 liberation offensive. After the war, it was left to its fate until it was opened up by the municipality of Zonnebeke in 1987. Since 1999, the bunker has been protected. In early 2016, the area was landscaped with the original access trenches visualised.


From 30/08/2024, the Zandvoorde bunker will be partially closed as the Zonnebeek Crypt is being restored.

The coffins from the crypt will be temporarily housed in the bunker.


Discover the story during Open Monument Day!
On Open Monument Day (08/09/2024), you can visit the bunker to find out the story behind the restoration.

Praktische info

  • Partially closed from 30/08/2024
  • Can be guided
  • Free

Address information

Gaverstraat 2
8980 Zonnebeke

T: 0032 (0)51 77 04 41


  • Zandvoorde
  • Monuments
  • WWI


The Breldorp Estimated distance: 0.47 Km
Zantvoorde British Cemetery Estimated distance: 0.56 Km
St Bartholomew’s church in Zandvoorde Estimated distance: 0.60 Km